Monday, August 22, 2011

Clean Up On Aisle 4

This is one of the stories that got submitted to me that I put in my book. I hope you enjoy it!

I regularly shop at the supermarket during the busiest times, when it is filled with families and children bustling around.  Because of this, I have witnessed a plethora of absolutely hilarious and sometimes even outright deplorable behavior and outbursts from young ones.  Despite all that I have witnessed, this story truly takes the cake as the strangest child behavior I have ever seen and definitely left me shaking my head thinking, “Kids will truly be kids.”

I was shopping in the meat section of my local store, minding my own business and concentrating on choosing the best pork chops for a dinner I was creating that evening.  A family approached beside me, consisting of a young mother and her two sons.  The older son, around age 6, was chatting to his mother incessantly, excitedly telling her a story about a game or something.  The other son, a toddler who looked to be about 2 years old, tagged along behind them.  He seemed to be well behaved, but nothing could have prepared me for what I was about to witness.  The talkative young man distracted the mother from her 2-year-old, who wandered slightly past me and out of his mother's sight beyond the end of the aisle.  Before anyone, except me, could notice what was happening, the toddler had pulled his pants down and squatted to the floor with a huge smile on his face.  I couldn't look away from this little man who totally broke all social norms with this stunt.  He then pulled his pants up and exclaimed, “Mommy! Mommy! I went poo all by myself!”  He was so proud of himself and the attention he garnered with this statement.

As I stand there laughing at what I had just witnessed, the mother rounds the corner and is astounded by what her son has done in the middle of the busy supermarket aisle.  She seems equally embarrassed and stunned as she reprimands the proud boy and hastily retreats from the store, abandoning her cart as well as the mess her child left behind.  Not the nicest layaway plan!

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