Friday, September 2, 2011

This reminds me of the time Tyson puked in my hair… a little embarrassing…

I’m actually a little embarrassed. I was hoping to do something good by partnering up with the American Cancer Society for a few months and donating money I earned from my book to them. But once I got a hold of them to ask their permission, they didn’t grant it to me. So I guess it will be another year of lacing up the sneakers, and supporting the walk.
On that note, I want to let you know that I was woke up today by my little guys singing SUGA SUGA POW SUGA POW SUGA SUGA and even though it was and I had no idea what he was singing about I couldn’t help but look at him and laugh. Then it hit me, he will be turning 2 at the end of September.  I have so much work to do. My to-do list includes:
1.       Potty training him (I don’t know how I’m going to teach him how to point and aim, but I know it will be my responsibility to teach him, and I know I dread the thought).
2.       Get him to eat with a spoon by himself (I always feed him to avoid the mess).
3.       And no more breastfeeding!!! This currently happens only at night, and I’m ready for it to end! (Just to let you know I tried the whole “Lime Juice” on the nipples thing… it doesn’t work!)
So my life is about to get really hectic…if my writing is a little confusing for a few posts please forgive me.

1 comment:

  1. Lime juice might just give him a taste for tequila when he's older!
