Wednesday, April 4, 2012

What is mommy time?

What is mommy time? I have to tell you that this is an area I struggle with greatly. All mommies need time to themselves! Raise your hand if you feel guilty leaving your kids, even though you’re ready to get away? The joys of motherhood, right?

The important point is that you actually take time for yourself. Money may be tight and you can’t pay for a sitter, so how do you spend time by yourself? One of the ways you can spend time with yourself is to swap childcare with your mommy friends. This is sometimes harder than it seems because everyone runs the other way when it’s their turn to watch the kids. Just try to stick to the childcare swap and follow through with your promises.

Have your husband or significant other watch the children for you. I know a lot of dads are scared to spend that alone time with the kids, but it needs to happen. Even if he watches them for a few hours while you just get out of the house. Don’t pawn your kids off on a stranger, but there are ways to find childcare for little to no cost. In some cases, it might also be appropriate to just hire a sitter. Everyone can afford a once-in-a-while sitter….right?

Mommy time just makes you a better mom. It helps you appreciate those times that you spend with your kids. It doesn’t mean there won’t be poop, pee or vomit involved, but it’s worth the risk.